While it's not hard to notice browning areas in your lawn, you could write that off as a multitude of things; lack of rain, Summer stress, or just a need for seed. Bahia Grass. Read More. Fine Fescue 4. Warm-season grasses can be grown from seed, but usually, they are grown from sod. Characteristics: Coarse texture, pointed tip, wider leafs, rolled in cross-section and has rhizomes. Apply seed. Canadian reptiles are composed of squamates and testudines. Characteristics: Warm-season grass - fine to medium leaf texture, dark green, dense and low growing via rhizomes and stolons some varieties tolerate very low maintenance, while others produce lawns of exceptional beauty when given extra care - root system is extensive and very deep. If you are in a definite warm or cool climate, you can zero in on the grass that will work best for you. Golfers and grass go hand in hand. Grasses, Sedges, Rushes - Native Species: The distinction of Native and Non-native species is sometimes not clearcut. It’s fine in the blazing hot sun and does well during drought periods. It’s a great native grass solution for use in meadows and open woodlands. This wispy and free form grass is found in western North America, from British Columbia to California. Read More. It is usually called as all season grass. This grass is for those of you who like a REALLY short lawn, as this grass can be cut as low as 1/2 and inch or as high as 2 inches (some new hybrid species can be cut as low as 1/8th of an inch, good enough for putting greens). The amount of traffic the lawn receives will help determine the type of material best suited for your home. Choosing grass type Lawns in Canada consist mostly of cool season turfgrass, which have their main growth periods in the spring and fall. Poa Annua: Also called Poa, is a type of annual bluegrass or meadow grass. Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) Purslane is actually considered noxious in at least one U.S. state. It is in a wide range of golf courses that always require a rich, green fairway, as well as the ability to withstand fairly heavy foot and trolley movement. For the purposes of this website various sources are used, such as Newcombe's Wildflower Guide and other authoritative books. So, what makes it so resilient? Coontail Coontail. Grass is a monocotyledon plant, herbaceous plants with narrow leaves growing from the base. Different Types Of Grass - Gulf Green As one of the top grasses in South Africa, it is also the one of the most expensive types. These are warm- and cool-season grasses. A green, luscious lawn is a beautiful thing, but unless you really get to know your lawn, all of that beauty can fade before your eyes.. Insects are often a difficult-to-detect issue for the average homeowner. Landscaping and Gardening Ideas for your Backyard Space. There are about a dozen different grasses, and most lawns contain a mixture of them. The strengths and weaknesses of each offset the others to keep your lawn green and healthy. The safest mowing height is generally 2-4 inches. This grass holds up well in … The following cool-season grasses … It starts with choosing the best type of grass. Keep in mind the type of grass already growing on your lawn to ensure a uniform look across your yard. Warm-season grasses can be grown from seed, but usually, they are grown from sod. The best grass types for short lawns include Bent, Paspalum, St. Augustine and Zoysia. Kentucky Bluegrass is legendary for its ability to thrive in cooler temperatures, and our customers love it … From the best variety for your region to the 411 on when to plant, these tips and tricks are bound to breed the greenest lawn on the block. Zoysia Grass Types. This grass holds up well in the summer as a trusty drought resistant grass. Tolerance for heat, drought, shade and wear varies so check the label for details. Its root system … This is a list of the reptiles species recorded in Canada. Kentucky bluegrass needs more sun (especially in the morning) than many other grasses. One of the most common grasses, maiden grass is big, beautiful, and easy to grow. It is a field that receives no care during the year except for mowing. Infamous for being incredibly irritating and scratchy, Buffalo grass has, over the last few years, come into its own as… Centipede Grass 3. Zoysia Grass A warm-season grass with a high shade tolerance is St. Augustine. It’s native to Europe and quite hardy in the right circumstances. Originally, there were over 24 million hectares of this type in Canada; however, less than a quarter of this area remains. A combination of specifically selected grass seeds, Canada Green Grass yields a lasting, plush greensward in a short while. Time: 3 hours . Canada Green Grass is resistant to drought, icing, flood and snowstorm. Cool-season grasses grow actively in spring and fall, slow down in summer, and go dormant in the winter. It has a height and width of approximately 2 feet and is slowly spreading. Their main source of food is grass. Tall fescue's maintenance schedule is moderate in that it grows rather quickly while nourished with water, but only needs 2-4 fertilizings a year. Gardening Basics For Canadians For Dummies Cheat Sheet, Hardy but not drought-tolerant so water generously, Water deeply and infrequently (do not soak or make soggy), Needs generous watering (weekly during the height of the, Has shallow roots, likes consistent water. Let’s start with the Bluegrass. Cool-season grasses grow actively in spring and fall, slow down in summer, and go dormant in the winter. Red Fescue Grass. So, it … A common kind of grass is used to cover the ground in a lawn and other places. Read More. Look closely and you’ll notice that the turf in some areas is markedly different in color and texture than other areas. Canada Green Grass is a mass-marketed grass seed blend of three major types of seed that promises an “all-season green grass seed” that “grows in any climate.”. By the pound, Rye Grass is by far the cheapest averaging just 1 dollar per pound. It has a relatively good shade tolerance and good wear resistance. It also promises to scare off the weeds and resist insects. As mention earlier, the photo shows a mixture of straw colored, warm season grass as well as green, cool season grass scattered throughout. The GRASS brand stands for visionary development, top quality, technical precision, progressive design and exemplary protection of the environment. Bermuda Grass. Lawns in Canada consist mostly of cold weather grasses that have their main growth periods in the spring and fall. Grass normally gets water from the roots, which are located in the ground. Growing Conditions: Both heat and drought resistant and opposes weed invasions; plant seeds in sterile potting soil and… Each new plant also produces rhizomes that create new plants. Ryegrass is a cool-season grass that does well in cooler parts of the transition zone like Toronto and New York as it can sustain itself through dry spells and winter seasons. Curlyleaf Pondweed Curlyleaf Pondweed. Bermudagrass isn't a very good grass for the shade but is quite durable. It is a low-growing turfgrass that can be found in more temperate climates. … It has a nice colour, texture, and density and can be easily established from seed, forming one of the highest quality lawns. Grass Varieties BERMUDAGRASS. What are the cheapest lawn seeds? Over half of the remaining native grassland in Canada is Mixed Grass Prairie. In Canada cold-hardiness and frequently drought resistance are also important. Before I delve into the different types of grass, first and foremost you should analyze what type of soil you're growing it in and what type of sun exposure your grass gets, because all the different types thrive in different scenarios. Other cheaper seeds include Kentucky blue, centipede and carpet grass. What type of grass do you have? It also promises to scare off the weeds and resist insects. Two main types of grass for turf are warm-season grass and cool-season grass. All the grass needs to survive is water, and it’s resilient to pests like deer. Recommended Usage: Best adapted to hot, dry or tropical climates - … Generally speaking, a species is considered to be non-native if it did not occur in the region covered by this website prior to the arrival of Europeans. Names such as Manilla Grass, Korean Grass and Temple Grass just never resonated with Australians – perhaps because they sound more suited to ornamental grasses rather than home lawns. Each grass blade has a thick mid-vein and a waxy coating. Here are the most common types of golf course grass. Read More. Zoysia Grass had a rocky introduction to Australia, even though it has been in the country for a very long time.This was probably due to the names it was given during its earliest introduction. The Following are the different types of grass: 1. Some grass types favour full sun or partial sun. Bermuda grass is gray-green with rough-edged blades and purple stems. A non-flowering plant, i… Kentucky Bluegrass is among the most popular cool-season grass types. All varieties of this cool-season grass can withstand cold winters. In general there are two broad types of grass: cool season and warm season, each named for the climate and temperature in which it grows best. There are various species that grow in the ecosystems of South Africa, that play an important role in the balance of an animal's’ diet and other plant growth. chances are you aren't aware that you have a variety of grasses growing in your turf. Zoysia Grass (The Best Types of Grass for Lawns) It is also versatile, with a good tolerance for shade and cooler weather, unlike Bermuda and St. Augustine. If it becomes too long, you will need to cut off more than a third of the blade length which will weaken the grass. The grasses include the "grass", of the family Poaceae (also called Gramineae), as well as the sedges and the rushes (). Seed mixtures: Some seed mixtures combine several different grass types in one seed package. Three types to consider include nylon, polyethylene, polypropylene. Read More. Grass comes in many different varieties and is used for many purposes, including ornamental cover for lawns or putting greens for golf courses. You’ll want to mow it regularly – when you do you’ll naturally spread its seeds across the yard for on-demand (and free) overseeding. Grass types might be categorised by how the grass is used or planted or the climate in which the grass grows best. One of the best examples of different grass types can be found on a golf course or playing field. The mowing height for tall fescue is around 2.5-4 inches in height but on the bright side, few insects bother it. Red fescue comprises more than half of the Canada Green blend made for the U.S. Use a mechanical seed spreader if you are seeding or overseeding a large area. How much foot traffic grass can take is another important consideration. It starts with choosing the best type of grass. Also consider how much moisture your lawn will get. The type of grass picked for a lawn is an important decision to make, especially when considering the fact that different lawn types behave differently in certain weather conditions, and react differently to various levels of traffic and use. The material has the same look and texture as natural grass. Kikuyu Grass Types. You can hand spread seed in a small area. For the same spectacular effect, we use Miscanthus varieties or Plume Grass (Erianthus ravennae) whose flower heads can reach 12 to 15 feet tall. This grass can actually fill in bare spots more quickly because it spreads by rhizomes (a horizontal underground stem that sends out its own roots and shoots) and tillers to create a dense sod lawn. When damaged, it is non-recuperative. How to Tell Whether Your Vehicle Needs a Tune-up, Part of Gardening Basics For Canadians For Dummies Cheat Sheet. Each type of grass has unique characteristics, and I’ve done my best to provide the information you’ll need to choose the best fit for your climate and landscape conditions. The top contenders are Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescues, Bent grass, and Perennial rye grass. Characteristics: V-shape blade, boat shaped tip, folded in cross section and has rhizomes. Synthetic grass, also known as artificial grass or turf, is viable as an alternative to grass lawns. Most species are confined to the southernmost parts of the country [citation needed]. See All The Steps. The following cool-season grasses thrive in Canada’s cooler climate. Red Fescue grass is appropriate for both northern and temperate climates and is often planted in cool, shady mountain or roadside areas where low maintenance is desired.This different type of grass likes the cold and doesn't do as well in the heat. Different Types Of Grass – Bermuda One of the most used types of grasses in South Africa is Bermuda. Equisetum hyemale is the botanical name for the plant known commonly as \"rough horsetail\" or \"scouring rush.\" Its ancestors were gigantic plants in Paleozoic times. It's a perennial that is evergreen (although the green color will fade some during the course of a rough winter), but this ancient plant is more closely related to ferns than to the perennials we are most accustomed to growing in our gardens. Kentucky Bluegrass is among the most popular cool-season grass types. This type of grass originated in China and Southeast Asia before making its way across the ocean to Hawaii, and the southern United States. The different types of lawn that belong to the cool season are the following: the Bluegrass, the Bentgrass, the Creeping fescue, the Annual ryegrass and the Fine rescue grass. It should be noted that Bermuda doesn’t tolerate shade well and you may have to plant a separate shade grass in those areas. Ryegrass is a good selection for home lawns, sports fields and high traffic areas, such as playgrounds. Blaufuchs (Festuca glauca) Some people call this grass Blue Fox and it will definitely catch your … Growing and maintaining a lush green lawn in Canada can be a challenge. Each tuber has up to seven viable buds and each one can grow and produce new plants. We've assembled tons of information about different types of grass—and how to care for each and every one—that will have you throwing picnics, playing lawn games, and using all your great summer party ideas out there in no time. Kentucky Bluegrass is good for homes, parks, golf courses and cemetaries. A View of Two Grass Types. As you could or couldn't tell by the name of the grass, Bermudagrass likes it's warm, hot weather. ;). The best types of grasses to grow in Canada are cool-season grasses because our summers are short and our winters are cold – and usually snowy. By blending the most resistant grasses, the product promises to endure all kinds of freak weather conditions. It is a grass type that must be mowed every week to ensure it stays in tip-top condition because you don’t want to wait until it is too long. Canada Green grass seed is a blend of 53.2 percent creeping red fescue, 23.4 percent annual rye, 14.1 percent perennial rye and 4.4 percent Kentucky bluegrass. Bottle-brush Grass (Elymus hystrix) Canada Wild Rye (Elymus canadensis) Great Lakes Wheat Grass (Elymus lanceolatus) Indian Grass (Sorghastrum nutans) Kalm's Brome (Bromus kalmii) Large Crab Grass (Digitaria sanguinalis) Leiberg's Panic Grass (Dichanthelium leibergii) Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) Orchard Grass (Dactylis glomerata) Zoysia grass is hardy and grows well in sandy soils. If you don't care to know the difference between the grasses then you could easily go to the store and buy a "shade seed" or a "sun seed", just don't complaining when your turf doesn't look exactly uniform. Given the broad distribution of Mixed Grass Prairie, there is considerable variation in the mix of dominant plants. The most famous of the tall grasses is the Pampas Grass (Cordateria), unfortunately not hardy in Ontario. Meadow Grasshopper - Chorthippus parallelus You may need a grass that resists drought. Also, claims indicate that the grass begins to grow within a few days. Zoysia Grass. Fescue Grass. Kentucky Bluegrass is legendary for its ability to thrive in cooler temperatures, and our customers love it for its dark blue-green colours and canoe shaped blades. Bahia grass has a very deep root system and can spread very quickly in sandy areas. This mixture is a derivative of Canada, where the climate is generally less than desirable. Yes! It starts with choosing the best type of grass. You can purchase mixed grass seed that is designed to meet specific needs, such as drought-resistant grasses or mixes that you can grow to repair damaged lawns.. Didymo, Rock Snot Didymo, Rock Snot. Brazilian Elodea control Brazilian Elodea control. St. Augustine Grass 7. This type of grass plant is often mixed with bluegrass to use in sports fields. Some common types of warm-season grasses are bahiagrass, bermudagrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, and zoysiagrass. Eel Grass. Canada Green grass seed is a blend of 53.2 percent creeping red fescue, 23.4 percent annual rye, 14.1 percent perennial rye and 4.4 percent Kentucky bluegrass. Canada Green Grass Seed is a blend of grass seeds that promises a rich, beautiful green lawn throughout the year and in every climate. Ryegrass is a good selection for home lawns, sports fields and high traffic areas, such as playgrounds. Kentucky Blue Grass 5. Red Fescue Grass (42%)- Because of its fine blade, its grass is resistant to the cold climate. What are the best types of grasses to plant in Metropolitan Toronto? Tall fescue is a cool-season grass but does tolerate hot, dry conditions better than other cool-season species. It has weak sod forming characteristics due to lack of adequate rhizome development therefore it has a longer production period and requires that a greater amount of soil be removed during harvesting to facilitate moving. Turf Type Tall Fescue is a course textured, drought resistant and wear tolerant species. The following six grasses are most likely to flourish in shade: St. Augustine (warm season), especially such cultivars as Sapphire, Bitter Blue, Palmetto, and Seville, can do well with as little as four hours of direct sun daily. Read More. Bermuda Grass 2. Lake Bottom Blanket. The turf-type fescue family has several members such as fine fescue, Chewings fescue, creeping red fescue, hard fescue and tall fescue grasses (including Kentucky 31 tall fescue). It has a shallow root system that produce many nut-like tubers which are underground food storage for the plant. North: Perennial Ryegrass. Switchgrass. The birds, like those shown, are largely responsible for depositing seeds of many different grass types and weeds. 6 Types of Grass That Grow in Shade iStock. Ryegrass needs it's water but can survive dry spells and generally stands well at a 2-4 inch mowing height. There are some varieties of shade loving grass. They do best at temperatures between 16°C and 27°C (60°F and 80°F) and can survive freezing winter temperatures. There are a variety of grasses for a variety of lawn conditions from which to choose from: Kentucky Bluegrass: A finely textured, winter-hardy, disease resistant, deep blue-green grass used for home lawns, sport fields and golf courses. These are the 4 most used grasses in the Southern Ontario regions by my experience. Characteristics: Shiny back side of leaf, pointed tip, broad collar and also folded in cross-section. Kikuyu Grass. Types of Grass Many kinds of grass exist, but there are just two main varieties. If you are looking for a grass variety for your garden, which is cheap, thriving, friendly and easy to maintain, then use Canada Green Grass. Pick the species of grass seed that matches your climate and your yard’s sun exposure. When you go to buy a bag of grass seed for your house, the bag usually contains all these different types of seed to foolproof the planting process in the case that you don't know your soil make-up or sun conditions. Rye Grass 6. All content © 2008-2015 Eco-Scape Groundskeeping All rights reserved. Some common types of warm-season grasses are bahiagrass, bermudagrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, and zoysiagrass. Bladderwort Bladderwort. Kentucky Bluegrass can handle moderate shade and is durable as they come due to their protect rhizomes. In some cases, like dichondra, your lawns may not be a grass at all. The best types of grasses to grow in Canada are cool-season grasses because our summers are short and our winters are cold – and usually snowy. This is a popular choice if you want to mix grasses thanks to its ability to … These grasses are equipped to handle harsh, hot temperatures and tend to do most of their growing between 70-95°F. Popular Canadian lawn grass mixtures often include species of Poa (eg, Kentucky bluegrass, roughstalk bluegrass) and Festuca (especially creeping red fescue, chewing fescue), although other useful species have been developed. GRASS Canada is a proud member of the international GRASS Group with a 20 year history in the Canadian market. This type of grass plant is often mixed with bluegrass to use in sports fields. The GRASS Group has ranked … If the area receives a lot of traffic then Bermuda is the perfect choice. Red fescue (also called red creeping fescue) is a cool season variety of grass. Kikuyu has a medium leaf width, a bright green leaf colour, is quite soft, and loves the heat, the humidity and full sun, it is also extremely adaptable with an ability to grow in very poor soil types. This grass variety is robust, hardy, and handles all types of weather conditions. We looked at some of the more common types of lawn in Australia, and what differentiates them. Skill Level: Beginner. Canada Green Grass Seed is a blend of grass seeds that promises a rich, beautiful green lawn throughout the year and in every climate. Finally, pick a type of grass seed that can stand up to the amount of foot traffic your lawn receives. Because of this preference, they can usually be found in short grass or other short vegetation, where they won’t be covered by shade. In the wild you’ll find Zoysia … Ryegrass has a normal feeding schedule, in that it like 3 to 5 fertilizings a year. Tall Fescue 8. It has a relatively good shade tolerance and good wear resistance. Also, claims indicate that the grass begins to grow within a few days. It adapts well to different soil types and grows aggressively, low to the ground, via both stolon and rhizomes for a thick lawn that withstands high traffic. Cool-season grasses grow actively in spring and fall, slow down in summer, and go dormant in the winter. Kikuyu grass is named for the most populous ethnic grass group in Kenya. With proper mowing to a height of 3/4″ – 2″, zoysia grass will provide the homeowner with a lush, low maintenance, a tough lawn that can withstand even the toughest of droughts. Choosing Grass Seed. Thus requiring quite a bit of water to stay green and growing. The best types of grasses to grow in Canada are cool-season grasses because our summers are short and our winters are cold – and usually snowy. They do best at temperatures between 16°C and 27°C (60°F and 80°F) and can survive freezing winter temperatures. These grasses are equipped to handle harsh, hot temperatures and tend to do most of their growing between 70-95°F. 3. The top contenders are Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescues, Bent grass, and Perennial rye grass. This runner-type grass does well in both sunny and shaded areas. Turf-type tall fescue – Fast becoming the grass of choice for many homeowners in cool-season and transition-zone lawns, turf-type tall fescue grasses have excellent heat, drought and shade tolerance. These medium to finely textured grasses are shorter and darker than traditional tall fescue types. You don’t have to worry about planting mondo grass in a shady area, as the roots spread rapidly and do … Think Northern California, Northwestern USA, Northeast, Midwest and so on. Photo: gardeningknowhow.com. Tall fescue being as durable as it is, is generally used on high traffic areas like playgrounds and sports fields, it even tolerates the shade much better than fine fescue. This photo was taken in mid-winter. Zoysia (Zoysia japonica, others) Zoysia is a versatile lawn grass that tolerates high heat, drought … Farmers use grass to graze animals, and grass provides wildlife habitats or protection against soil erosion. Characteristics: Has hair fringes on ligule, has rhizomes and stolons, dense, deep root system. It has a nice colour, texture, and density and can be easily established from seed, forming one of the highest quality lawns. Red Fescue grass is appropriate for both northern and temperate climates and is often planted in cool, shady mountain or roadside areas where low maintenance is desired.This different type of grass likes the cold and doesn't do as well in the heat. This type of grasshopper prefers to live in dry areas with lots of sunlight. Our Toronto facility serves all distribution partners and manufacturers using GRASS products in Canada. It is a cool-season grass that prefers cool shade. Kentucky Bluegrass is good for homes, parks, golf courses and cemetaries. Ryegrass is a cool-season grass that does well in cooler parts of the transition zone like Toronto and New York as it can sustain itself through dry spells and winter seasons. It offers narrow, arching foliage (many selections are variegated; look for them to add more color to your landscape) and silvery plumes that are enchanting when the light catches them just right. 32 Juniper RD. This article is meant to inform you of the different types of grass that are grown most prominently here in Canada. What are the best types of grasses to plant in Metropolitan Toronto? Popular Canadian lawn grass mixtures often include species of Poa (eg, Kentucky bluegrass, roughstalk bluegrass) and Festuca (especially creeping red fescue, chewing fescue), although other useful species have been developed. Kentucky Bluegrass can handle moderate shade and is durable as they come due to their protect rhizomes. There is more to grass than your normal garden grass varieties in South Africa - although grass is the most common, overlooked plant in the world, it is surprisingly unique. Some types of grass are better at growing in shade than others, for instance. Is used for many purposes, including ornamental cover for lawns or putting for... And maintaining a lush Green lawn in Australia, and Perennial rye grass your lawns may not be challenge. 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