Eisenia fetida (Also known as the red worm, red wiggler, manure worm, tiger worm, brandling worm) This is the most common variety sold and used for home vermicomposting. There are 3 classes of segmented worms, with compost worms belonging to Oligochaeta. The probably ideal worm for vermiculture is the compost worm Eisenia fetida. Your email address will not be published. The “Compost Worm Bombs” which are a budget pack containing worm eggs only. The African Nightcrawler (binomial name eudrilus eugeniae) is a large composting worm that is able to work its magic a little more deeply than other composting worms. Comment down below. Not only is worm composting good for the environment, but it also provides you with a great and free source of organic compost and worm tea for your plants. Anecic worms like the common nightcrawlers (binomial name lumbricus terrestris) are excellent for your garden soil because they are strong enough to burrow in deep, compact soil, adding to the water distribution network beneath the surface. length- up to 130mm ideal working temperature range - 15-25° Dendrobaena venta common names- dendras, blue noses Designed primarily for food scraps, worm farm composting is a faster process that produces rich castings (vermi-cast) and liquid fertiliser.Your population of worms will double every 2–3 months, they can eat their own body weight in food organics in 24 hours, and can live for 2–3 years. Read more about them below. This process recycles various organic materials otherwise regarded as waste products and produces a soil conditioner (the compost).. Compost is rich in nutrients. It also contains more microbes that can help your plants grow faster. They will thrive in really hot conditions, but always remember to give them enough moisture and water. It prefers a slightly cooler temperature so it should be considered a second choice, but it is also an effective composter. You may need at least a pound of compost worms to start a compost bin. Worm farms are ideal for homes with small yards or no gardens. The Indian Blue (binomial name perionyx excavatus) is often confused with the Red Wiggler and is sold as a Red Wiggler to unsuspecting customers. They eat, eat, and eat, so you might have to load them with your kitchen scraps every week. It has my thumbs up! Bag makes 40 lbs. Carbons for the compost pile include the following: Dry leaves: Dry leaves are probably the easiest brown ingredient to work with for a beginning composter because they’re already smallish pieces of organic matter […] There are three kinds: aerobic, anaerobic, and vermicomposting. Setting goals is very important. Similar to the Alabama Jumper, they are also tropical worms. Get This Book! Home » What Kind of Worms Should I Compost With? They are common to find and are also very affordable. 1. Their other major advantage is that it’s possible to compost meat and dairy products anaerobically, while these are strictly forbidden in aer… They come from the same species of annelids in the class Oligochaeta but have adapted to their individual roles in our soil. Commonly sold as bait for fishing. Thinking of what compost worms to buy for your homestead? And you’ll pay about $35-40 per pound. But other than that, the perfect interior setting for a composter should be something that can house both moist surroundings and a warm temperature. The post 4 Best Types of Compost Worms For Your Worm Farm appeared first on Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | Homesteading.com. But because they do not feed on the surface, they are not good composting worms. Making worm compost at home does not require a lot of space. Lumbricus Rubellus – Red worm Households, farms, restaurants, schools, offices and places of business produce compostable materials. This mix is naturally subject to some seasonal variation. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook! Bag Concentrated (10 lbs. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. You would only need basic and inexpensive materials such as the following: You can place the bins indoors to protect the worms from extreme weather conditions. If you live in states like Texas, Arizona, and Florida, this worm may be the best choice for you. How do worm farms work? Worm farming uses composting worms such as tiger worms or red worms to eat through a mixture of food scraps, garden waste, waste paper and cardboard to produce worm castings (composted material) and liquid fertiliser, known as worm tea. A worm tube provides a perfect solution if you have a small garden, if you just don’t want to bother with a compost bin, or if bins are frowned upon by your homeowner’s association. It can’t get much more basic than this: do you want to make compost indoors or out? They can also efficiently break down decaying organic remains and turn them into high-quality compost in a short time. Which Species of Worms Are Good for Vermicomposting? They can also break down organic scraps very fast. Worm castings from African Nightcrawlers are very granular and considered attractive (insofar as worm poop can be considered “attractive”). While it is a voracious composting worm, it prefers warmer, more tropical climates. While you're here, why not follow us on Facebook and YouTube? We're always looking to improve our articles to help you become an even better gardener. What is the difference between Compost and Vermicompost? A wormery is easy to maintain, helps reduce the amount of organic waste that you throw away and is a great choice for anyone who loves gardening. Our compost worm products are suitable for a variety of applications, and are suitable for a variety of climates. Ralph Rhoads talks about the value of composting with worms. And, they can eat almost any type of food scraps. Some plant diseases and weed seeds may survive cold composting so avoid diseased plant matter and weeds gone to seed. Euros tend to work in cooler climates, African Nightcrawlers need it to be warmer, and Red Wigglers tend to do well in all but the most extreme environments. Write for us! Length - Up to 130mm; Ideal Working Temperature Range - 15-25° Dendrobaena venta. by Uncle Jim | Tagged under Compost, Outdoor Composters, Red Worms, Vermicomposting Composting means breaking down organic material. I need newborn steps in getting started as a current city dweller! They can also consume a lot of organic scraps fast, so you may need to feed them every one or two weeks. In this way, the contents in the bin will be able to decompose right away; and then produce finished composted after some time. He’d also be thrilled to see you try the Urban Worm Bag, his fabric continuous flow vermicomposting bin with a lifetime warranty that makes harvesting microbe-rich castings a breeze! Worm Types It is important that you're familiar with the different types of composting worms. The worms from the Epigeic species can process organic waste most efficiently. So, to help you choose which worms to buy, we listed down the four best types. European nightcrawlers are also known as Eisenia Hortensis. There are four main species of compost worms available:-Eisenia fetida common names- Tiger worm, manure worm, brandling worm colour- rust brown with yellow stripes around it's body- just like a Tiger! Worm Farm System – This involves adding food scraps into a container with worms. How To Compost [INFOGRAPHIC] | Homesteading Composting Guide, A Homesteader’s Guide to Composting | How To Compost Tutorial, The Essential Benefits Of Worm Farming | Homesteading For Beginners, 45 DIY Compost Bins To Make For Your Homestead, How To Raise Ducks For Eggs | 10 Tips & Tricks, 4 Best Types of Compost Worms For Your Worm Farm, Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | Homesteading.com. Your email address will not be published. But if you find a retailer who sells them, you can expect 800-1000 per pound. It is a hardy worm and tolerant of the widest range of temperatures, especially in the cold. The indoor composting techniques (vermicomposting and bokashi) have the distinct advantage that they keep on producing all year long, while outdoor versions pretty much shut down operations in cold weather. Vermicompost is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, phosphorous, and nitrogen. I created Epic Gardening to help teach 10,000,000 people how to grow anything, no matter where they live in the world. Learn how to build a survival winter shelter, called a debris hut. Unless you are a worm expert, a worm is a worm, but there are differences between the role of the Compost Worm and the job of Earthworms as well as how they look and where they do their work. The premium “Bag O Worms” which have a mix of adult and juvenile worms, and 2. It’s also the easiest to purchase and is almost always cheaper than the other species. Since you can’t find such worms in regular garden soil, it is best to order them from a local supplier or the internet. But “ANCs” require much warmer temperatures and may begin dying at 60°F, making them unsuitable in cooler regions without a climate-controlled environment. Fellow homesteaders, do you want to help others learn from your journey by becoming one of our original contributors? The Compost Worm. Common Names - Tiger worm, manure worm, brandling worm; Colour - Rust brown with yellow stripes around it's body- just like a Tiger! Worm Tube Information. Mushroom Compost (41) Model# 179-04 $ 4 27. Compost Bin System – This involves adding food scraps into a bin with great aeration to break down organic wastes. Worm bins are easy to construct and are also available for purchase. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Cutting Edge. All Rights Reserved. Now most worm farmers in the US do not culture the Indian Blue intentionally, so it is difficult to purchase them. All composting worms types are epigeic. There are between 7000-9000 species of earthworms, but only about 7 of them are any good as composting worms types. We have the Urban Worm Bag available for sale here in our store! The combination of containers and locations are only limited by how much worm compost you need to make. Worms can easily cohabitate with each other, and many commercial compost worm kits will include a mix of multiple worm species. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Also, they can adjust to the temperature inside the bins which can reach up to 77 degrees Celsius during summer. https://amzn.to/2tQusBF BEST Book I've found on worms and what they do! The best types of worms for vermicomposting are: Red Wigglers – Eisenia fetida ; Redworms – Lumbricus rubellus ; These two types of worms are preferred for the compost bin because they compost in plain soil and are easy to keep. Earthworms are scientifically classified as animals belonging to the order Oligochaeta, class Chaetopoda, phylum Annelida. They love to mate especially during warm weather conditions. Expect about 300-400 worms per pound when purchasing European Nightcrawlers. At the same time, they can eat and expel up to their body weight every day. Since you canâ t find such worms in regular garden soil, it is best to order them from a local supplier or the internet. Compost worms are included in this category, as are manure worms, and all epigeic earthworms can consume large amounts of waste daily. Steve will be posting here about worms and worm composting more in the future. They operate at shallower depths in the soil than anecic worms and form less stable burrows. Just like with most things vermicomposting-related, there is no one right answer. While you can sometimes toss the items in a compost bin, a majority of th… These two species make great worms for the compost bin because they prefer a compost environment to plain soil, and they are very easy to keep. They go up to the surface to eat and can attempt to jump their way out of the bins. They can reach up to four to six inches in length. One pound of mature worms (approximately 800-1,000 worms) can eat up to half a pound of organic material per day. Shredded papers (avoid colored, hard, or scented ones), Water for dampening the soil and food scraps. These three main types of earthworms are epigeic worms, which are also known as surface dwellers because they live above soil level, endogeic worms, which live below ground, and anecic worms, which live below soil level but explore at and above soil level to find sources of food. It is also very sensitive to changes in barometric pressure, so it’s not uncommon to see a mass escape (or attempted escape) in response to an approaching thunderstorm. The best types of worms for vermicomposting are red wigglers (Eisenia fetida) and redworms (Lumbricus rubellus). Common Names - Dendras, blue noses Let’s learn how to make a worm tube! Compost (/ ˈ k ɒ m p ɒ s t / or / ˈ k ɒ m p oʊ s t /) is organic matter that has been broken down into simpler organic or inorganic matter in a process called composting. The following section relates specifically to the composting worm and will give you an insight into it's remarkable world. Composting Worms Are In a Different Class Earthworms fit into one of three classes based on their burrowing capabilities and the environments they inhabit: anecic, endogeic, and epigeic. If your worms freak out like this, the Urban Worm Bag’s design prevents wholesale jailbreaks through its zippered top and bottom. Here is more about our approach. Plus, dairy products can cause a pungent odor. Some vermicomposters without good climate control have suffered extremely cold temperatures but are surprised to see thriving populations rebounding in the spring. They can well adapt to living in a worm bin, which is something that other worms struggle with. Common Earthworm / Nightcrawler (Lumbricus terrestris) – A deep burrowing worm found across most of Europe and North America. Some parasites can survive worm composting, although hot composting should kill everything. Pure Organic Earth Worm Castings (98) Model# SBB10 $ 19 98. Compost worms are part of the Annelida (segmented worm) family of invertebrates (animals without backbones). To grow the worms, you would only need to feed them with organic scraps once every week or every other week. These nightcrawlers are also known as Eudrilus Eugeniae. The European Nightcrawler (binomial name eisenia hortensis)  is the larger cousin of the Red Wiggler. In this phylum there are about 1,800 species of earthworms grouped into five families and distributed all over the world. Although on the downside, Alabama jumpers can quickly escape from their worm bin. makes 40 lbs.) Such species are the ones that prefer living in compost rather than traditional soil. You may need at least a pound of compost worms to start a compost bin. Also, these worms can grow as long as one to five inches in length, and a quarter of an inch in width. Also, they can stand really hot temperatures ranging from 45 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Composting Worms Are In a Different Class. Drainage. While the “Euro” is large enough to double as a fishing worm, it also reproduces less quickly. They’re kind of all the same, right?”. Both types feed on vegetable waste, compost, and organic bedding. So, to help you choose which worms to buy, we listed down the four best types. Concentrated 8 lbs. These nightcrawlers can grow almost as big as worms that you can use for fishing. Expect about 300-400 worms and a $35 per pound cost. Earthworms fit into one of three classes based on their burrowing capabilities and the environments they inhabit: anecic, endogeic, and epigeic. We’ll cover those below. Types of Soil. Lumbricus rubellus for example is one of them. Compost Worms – commercial varieties We, and almost all other Australian worm farms, grow and sell the three main varieties of compost worms, red worms, tiger worms and blue worms. Soil Blend 10 lb. Expect about 800-1000 worms per pound when purchasing Red Wigglers, which will go for $30-35 per pound from most retailers, shipping included. They love high temperatures and will not thrive in places with temperatures under 50 degrees Fahrenheit. We have TWO types of packs for our compost worms: 1. Know about worms! pipes or tubes inserted into the soil. Similarly, reports from the Chicago Tribune shared that some homesteaders found their Alabama jumpers to help compost, but can be very invasive once they escape the bins. These are the worms you want to produce worm castings! Such worms can break down almost all organic matter like leftover food, vegetable and fruit peels, and eggshells. RELATED: How To Compost [INFOGRAPHIC] | Homesteading Composting Guide. Several worms of the epigeic kind are used in domestic and commercial worm farms. This means that vermicompost can absorb more water for plant roots. Because endogeic worms consume organic matter well below the surface, they are also not considered good composting worms. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. We’d love to know your experience. Off all the earthworm types the epigeic worms are the only ones that can be used commercially in vermicomposting systems. But if you’re interested in learning more, you can visit him at the Urban Worm Company for vermicomposting tips and tricks for the beginner as well as learning more about the business side of vermiculture and vermicomposting. Can anyone offer advice ?! Plus, these worms are very affordable and easy to grow. Featuring a Worm Factory Standard. It’s very common for the new vermicomposter to ask “What kind of worms can I use in my worm bin? These nightcrawlers are similar to the red wigglers because they are also easy to raise and reproduce. Required fields are marked *. Sims 40 lbs. According to NC State University, out of 9,000 different earthworm species, only the Epigeic species are proven to be suitable for vermicomposting. Some of these may be affiliate links, meaning we earn a small commission if items are purchased. Grass: Growing Tasty Treats for your worm Farm System – this involves food. Composting is a biological process in which both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms decompose the organic like. Build a survival winter shelter, called a debris hut the widest Range of,! Enough moisture and water or TWO weeks kind of all the same species of earthworms grouped into families... Are only limited by how much worm compost you need to make indoors... If your worms freak out like this, the Urban worm compost worm types ’ s helpful to understand how can! 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