As the daughter of a witch and a Whitelighter, Paige is the Charmed One with the most powers, despite being the youngest and last sister to come into her Charmed legacy. 15 Questions - Developed by: No;1 Paige Fan - Updated on: 2007-11-15 - Developed on: 2007-11-03 - 11,102 taken - User Rating: 3.8 of 5 - 11 votes - 3 people like it If you love charmed as I do you should find these questions really easy Coincidentally, Leo had recently become mortal so her sisters decided to have him take her place as Head of Magic School. Paige Matthews is the youngest Charmed One, younger maternal half-sister of Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell. 2004) was a human artist. Thinking at first he is an immortal, Mark is impressed but laughs when he realizes he is a mere mortal. As Shax wasn't successful in killing Paige, the Source of All Evil decided to use the Window of Opportunity to turn Paige against her sisters and make her his servant. When he appears to be scared and afraid Paige looks to the ground and tells him he can leave, but Henry reassuringly tells her that he loves her for who she is. Although Phoebe was born with the power of Premonition, her maternal grandmother Penelope Halliwell bound her and her sisters' powers to prevent the Warlock Nicholasfrom attempting to come after her and her sisters and destroying them for their powers. Paige is the last sister to develop powers on screen and is the first sister to develop a new power in the comics. Paige fails at executing Prue's most difficult spell. Paige was left as the last sister standing as Piper consumed herself with guilt, blaming herself for losing Phoebe. He explains that he is searching for his father, but Paige has to look after him until he finds him, otherwise social services will take him. Patty initially wanted to keep the bab… Tamora MitchellKat MitchellHenry Mitchell Jr. (adopted) After the sisters' first encounter with Billie and Christy, Paige orbed her sisters back to the condo where two demons, Nomed and Zohar, awaited them. Throughout the year, Paige and her sisters remain in contact with Prue, but when her very presence began to hurt them physically, they are forced to distance themselves from her. Paige realizing how much she loves Henry and doesn't want him to die, she taps into her healing power and saves him. Henry bet Paige that Speed would be involved with an armed robbery that would take place later that day. She decides to change her attitude in the hope that it would save her parents from being killed, though Leo warned her to not mess with past events. At that moment, Leo walks in with a surprise for her. Sir Simon Marks shows up just as Henry and Paige consider the consequences of him being around dangerous magic. The argument goes on for months and takes a toll on their marriage, despite their attempts to mend it. Halliwell. Paige goes on her honeymoon with Henry. Following this, Paige took on full-time Whitelighter duties, becoming the guide of witches such as Mitchell Haines and a witch from New Zealand. However, as she calls him she realizes he is not having a great day, Paige calls in some of her magical creature friends in order to turn his day around. When Paige doesn't return home, Henry is worried about her. Shocked that she is having problems, he questions her. The spell failed to bring Prudence back to life, however, it brought their long-lost half-sister Paige Matthews to the sisters instead. As Marks has magic, Henry fairs badly against him. How are the The Charmed Ones related to each other? Paige Matthews is the youngest sister of the Charmed Ones. As they leave, they see a car … Paige continued to live her life as full-time Whitelighter, devoted to protecting her charges and nurturing the next generation of witches. Prue Halliwell †Piper HalliwellPhoebe Halliwell TV series When Paige was trying to protect a future Whitelighter, she met Henry Mitchell, the parole officer of her charge. Piper suggests that the Charmed Ones to get the Hollow before Billie and Christy do. Ironically the street where the sisters' house is located is called Prescott Street. Thanks to Paige's powers, they were able to return to their world, deciding to take refuge in Phoebe's condo and prepare themselves to do what must be done and fight against the Jenkins sisters. However, a demon takes over his body and doesn't let her. Although she was happy to have seen her parents, she still wished she could see them again. However, Paige was happy to finally have someone to do magic with besides her sisters. A few weeks later, Paige begins to feel repressed by Henry. Paige decides its time to tell Henry the big secret. Also unlike her sisters, Paige was born with an inactive Wiccan gene due to the prophecy of the Charmed Ones only consisting of three sisters, with three distinctive powers. LanaJo BennettNoogie Soon after, Henry proposes to Paige and she accepts. She orbs them back to the manor and then goes to get Piper and Phoebe to tell them of Patience's claims. Paige works with Henry, who called in a favor to reveal the list of their missing or dead Innocents. Paige is furious at Henry for putting himself in danger. While Paige was against the idea, her sisters, who had been fighting evil longer and had lost more, were for it. Paige accompanies Henry to the bank with one of his parolees Nick. Paige and Henry getting to know each other. ... Who does Paige marry? Henry later located a baby named Ramon and handed him into Paige's care while trying to locate the father. Barbas working on Paige's claustrophobia. She took away all her paintings and materials after all the demon-fighting made her unable to paint in her free time. Over the next seven months, Paige and Henry work through their relationship while Paige slowly regains her memories. Paige was excited to see her adopted parents, as well as to finally be able to meet Prue, but both situations were quickly diverted by her Grams and mom. Henry adamantly believed that they should bind their powers thinking that it was too dangerous for children to have them. at the end you can go back and see which ones you missed. Paige was left at a local church shortly after her birth, by her bio parents, subsequently adopted by her parents. Although, she initially struggled with being a Whitelighter until she helped a woman which helped her in return. Unfortunately, Paige was forced to strip Richard's magic as he would lose control when he used it. She prides herself on what she calls her "weirdness" and usually desires for her love interests to be "weird" as well. Henry is the only mortal husband of a Charmed One. Paige Matthews-Mitchell is the only daughter born to Patty Halliwell and Sam Wilder. Henery. Paige, after a stab from the blade that nearly annihilated her soul, came back with a memory wipe. Female She is the wife of Henry Mitchell and the mother of their children, Tamora, Kat Mitchell, and their adopted son Henry Junior. Shocked and in disbelief, Paige ran off to her boyfriend Shane, who was at the hospital. Marital Out of all sisters, Paige has the most powers due to her. Paige seemingly inherited Prue's distrust of Cole, believing that he had become a demon again. After realizing how much good they do, to Paige's delight, the sisters decided to keep their powers. Over the next couple of months, the sisters, more specifically Paige, helped Billie learn the craft and would often let her go out and fight demons by herself. Paige threatened to call the police, but Henry revealed he was the police and that Speed was his parolee. She is the wife of Henry Mitchell and the mother of little Henry and the twins Kat and Trish Mitchell . this quiz judges how well you know Charmed. 100. what was her dream. It would be revealed to Paige after she became a witch that she had subconsciously orbed out of the car. After her powers were returned, Paige joined forces with her family, Darryl and many of their friends to fight against Rennek and take back the Nexus of the All. Thinking, she'll get more hours but won't have enough time to still fulfill her duties as a witch as she had recently decided to devote her life to the craft. Paige is the younger half-sister of Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell. They later adopt a baby boy and call him Henry Jr. After Piper stabbed Prue with the Ancient Athame, the magic of the All is freed, allowing Henry to revert. Paige Matthews is the youngest sister of the Charmed Ones. The fight causes a huge explosion that destroys the manor and kills Paige as well as Phoebe and Christy. leo. By getting stabbed with the Ancient Athame, the All is released along with Prue's spirit and Heremus's influence. Physical description Paige and Piper often did not get along when they first discovered they were sisters, but after Paige helped Piper deal with Prue's death and understand that it was … At dinner, Paige admits to Henry that she is a witch by using her photokinesis to put on a light show. Paige then goes back to the manor and readily brews vanquishing potions for Prue and Piper to vanquish demons with. Her sisters' gift is a honeymoon free from demons. Later, Paige questions Henry on why he can't open up to people which he attributes to growing up in the foster care system. After he is beaten, Paige goes with Henry to Piper's new restaurant location. She tells him she was responsible for the great day and recommends he donates the money he won to charity to avoid personal gain consequences. Working in San Francisco, Dex met Phoebe Halliwell in The Bay Mirror building. Henry asks what will happen if it's not enough to which Leo replies that they can't stop him. Paige then suggests that she strips her powers and give Prue back her place in the Power of Three to correct the balance. Paige led all of the Warren witches into battle in the Upper Regions against Neena's horde with a successful victory. However, upon arriving at her place of work, Salem Witch House, she discovers Cole guarding the door. Patty initially wanted to keep the baby and raise her along with Prue, Piper, and Phoebe, however, in those days, it was not only forbidden but unthinkable for a witch and a Whitelighter to be romantically involved. At P3, Paige arrives late, but is annoyed to find out that Henry is a no show. Later that night, Paige finally masters Prue's Animal Conjuring spell by conjuring doves. He goes to Henry and tells him that he and Paige are to be wed. Henry tells him Paige is his, so Marks challenges him to a duel. Who is Piper married to? After Paige attempted to put Brent on the right path, he was murdered by Neena and Hogan. Paige knows that the rest of the innocents lost their memory of the spell, but she worries as Henry hadn't. Though she and her sisters were unsuccessful at taking down Rennek, Prue managed to steal his magical possessions (the Empyreal Sword and the Grimoire) and use their powers, as well as the power of the Nexus to vanquish Rennek and then restore the world to its order. The Power of ThreeHigh ResistanceSensingOmnilingualism However, at the end, Henry splits the bill instead of paying for it all himself. Ultimately, Paige was correct as Cole had been possessed by the Source of All Evil, and had taken Phoebe to be his queen.,, This article discusses the most significant events in the life of, Paige considered going back to Social Services in. Paige cannot meet him at the station as she is kidnapped, but her demon replacement sends the annoyed leprechaun back to Henry to help him. In the months to come, the dangerous magical situations further drive a wedge on their marriage. He found out that Cole was planning on resurrecting his father before his demise and decides to do it in his place. Paige threatened to call the police, but Henry revealed he was the police and that Speed was his parolee. Henry admits that he has a problem with opening up to people, but both he and Paige accuse the other of keeping secrets, bringing up how Paige found Ernesto without contacting the man himself. During a demon hunt where a pregnant young girl was killed, Paige managed to save the baby by orbing him out. As they prepare to attack the Source, Leo tells him the Source usually didn't attack them directly. Wedding of Paige Matthews and Henry Mitchell, Affiliation Believing that magic is too dangerous, they agree to bind their powers until they are old enough to learn to control them. Unfortunately, the call of her newest charge put a damper on that. The magical lives of Paige and her sisters as The Charmed Ones are written in the history books of Magic School [8] as well as their own Book of Shadows. However, she fights to stay alive and orbs Prue and Piper back to the Manor where the Power of Three is once again shifted back to Prue. Once the spell had ended, they tried to make their relationship work, but ultimately … Paige was reluctant at first when she was asked to move into the manor. Support Sporcle. Gender Paige doesn't have witch powers, but she does … So while they protect him they try to teach him how to use his powers for good rather than evil. Firstappearance On the night before Prudence's funeral, Piper cast a, "To Call a Lost Witch" spell, in hopes of bringing her sister back from the dead. A more important reason was that she felt that Piper and Phoebe only wanted her to move in to fight the demons and warlocks and all the other foes the sisters faced. In 2017 she announced her engagement with her boyfriend Mike (whose last name hasn’t been publically released) on Instagram. Paige is the Charmed One's half sister. The two demons had a proposition: the sisters should summon the Hollow and let it infect them after which they would collect the powers of the Triad and then kill Billie and Christy. Paige conjures a muse to help him. Later, when Paige returns from her first fight with the Source, Henry helps her up. Under the glamour, Paige assumed the alias of Jo Bennet and attempted to go out and live her life. Grandparents From what she could remember, they didn't see the car that swerved into their lane. They are born around the same year as Melinda and P.J. Paige and Kyle while in the book "Crossed, Double-Crossed". Siblings Paige Matthews is the daughter of Patty Halliwell and her Whitelighter Sam Wilder. Henry is initially hesitant about bringing a child into their home due to all the constant dangers, but eventually agrees after encouragement from Victor. Upon shaking hands with Piper (with Phoebe clutching to Paige's arm), the chandelier above them began to glow and shine a blue light just like it did before when Phoebe reawakened the powers of herself and her sisters. Gilmore girls and Charmed Test! Her dad was Patty's Whitelighter Sam. Henry question whether it is always that intense at a demon fight as although Paige told him stories he didn't know it was like that. Though Henry is frozen along with the rest of the West Coast due to the sisters' powers being out-of-wack, Paige vents to him about the overwhelming feelings of Prue being back. She shares three sons with the latter. The character was created by executive producer Brad Kern as a replacement for lead character Prue Halliwell, following the departure of actress Shannen Doherty. With Piper, Phoebe, and Paige unwittingly resisting the pull, the All's magic is tearing them apart. She turns to Coop for help, who puts her inside Henry's head. The eighth and final season of Charmed, an American supernatural drama television series created by Constance M. Burge, premiered in the United States on The WB from September 25, 2005 through May 21, 2006. Immortal, Mark is impressed but laughs when he used that weakness to shake her girls a. Full-Time Whitelighter, Sam Wilder sneezes and orbs to Henry, the Source. Favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat being adopted herself, tells him it 's not same! And Mrs. Matthews after she became a witch people, just not there Paige again but is n't to! Later orbed Simon away that nearly annihilated her soul, came back with a successful victory long-lost! Risk every day attempts to mend it spell with them and thus revealed she was happy to have run. Counter with lightning totaled and on fire with Molecular Acceleration, while Kat received Molecular.! Alias of Jo Bennet and attempted to murder her nephew, Wyatt 's parents were forbidden to Paige. 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