Pumpkin can be added into breads and muffins, made into a pie, and smoothed into a smoothie. Why? Jack-O-Lantern that has been cut and left out. However, if treats or any extra foods that are added to your dog’s food make up more than 10 percent of a dog’s daily calorie intake, this will lead to an unbalanced diet and could lead to health issues. These pumpkins are likely in a severe state of decay and harboring mold and bacteria that are toxic to pets when ingested. We must be cautious when giving human foods to our dogs because they can cause gastrointestinal irritation or even be toxic. Adding pumpkin to your diets in the fall is a nice treat and a symbol to many that summer has ended. You can also crush or grind them and mix them into your dog’s food. Can Dogs Eat Cooked Pork? Can Dogs Eat Raw Pumpkin? Pumpkin is also considered to have high amounts of moisture and can add extra water to your dog's diet. Pumpkin is recommended to help with digestive issues, but if you were to feed raw pumpkin, it could have the opposite effect. These can be bad for our guinea pigs if overfed. However, it’s best to feed your dog a few seeds in one setting. Canned pumpkin—as long as it contains 100% pumpkin with no added ingredients—such as salt or sugar, is very safe to feed your dog. Raw pumpkin isn’t toxic, but it is difficult for your dog to digest if they were to eat a large amount. I hear this question every year around Halloween, can my dog eat the guts of a pumpkin. Cooking and baking with pumpkins is great fun, but running around the kitchen and following the recipe is not an easy thing to do when you look down and see your dog staring at you. Puppies and older dogs, in particular, are more at risk. Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/SubToGonetotheSnowDogsIt's time for Fan Friday again! Thus, serve a small quantity 1-2 times a week only. The short answer is yes. Your vet may also have good information on how to best offer pumpkin puree to your dog. The amount of pumpkin or pumpkin seeds that can be safely given to dogs has not been fully established. Not only would s/he like it, there are also numerous benefits which impacts your dog greatly. Additionally, it’s best that the pumpkin seeds are roasted and shelled. The good news is that plain canned pumpkin only contains about 5 calories per tablespoon so one or a few tablespoons added to your dog’s diet (depending on her size) should not cause an issue. Pumpkin and butternut squash can help dogs with bouts of diarrhea, and most dogs don’t mind the taste of squash. Zucchini for Dogs. In addition, pumpkin is a low-calorie vegetable, can’t cause obesity and other health problems. In fact, over 1 billion pounds of pumpkins are produced in the United States each year [1]. It's actually good to give your dog/cat if they are constipated. Nevertheless, many veterinarians and pet parents swear by this simple trick. Pumpkin may be cooked, grilled, baked, fried, and even the seeds may be baked and enjoyed! Read the article below to get to know about all the details regarding raw meat for dogs. Pumpkin seeds are the edible seeds of pumpkins and other squash relatives. You can cook it into a soup or roast it with other vegetables. On the other hand, pumpkin may offer too much help in this area and cause further stomach upset. Our content and products are for informational purposes only. Too much of a good thing can definitely be bad when it comes to feeding your dog pumpkin (or any treat for that matter). Raw pumpkin likely won’t harm your dog in any way, but it’s a better option to provide them pumpkin that has been cooked. A few teaspoons a day for the puppies and a few tablespoons for more mature dogs will be just fine. … Rabbits can and do eat pumpkin! Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin. Pumpkin is supposed to be helpful with dogs experiencing both constipation and diarrhea although like all things I wouldn't recommend it in large amounts. Pumpkin, however, is safe for humans and dogs alike. Rabbits Can Eat Pumpkin. Guinea pigs can eat pumpkin but only as a treat. While no part of the pumpkin is toxic for rabbits, in the following sections we’ll be telling you why you may not want to feed them the seeds or rinds. The simple answer is — yes — dogs can eat pumpkin. Not all variations of pork are safe for dogs to eat. Dogs can eat pumpkin, but not all in all forms. If your dog eats pork rinds as a one-off, or perhaps as an accident, it’s unlikely to cause any long-term health issues. Many dogs do not like the taste of raw pumpkin, so don’t be shocked if your pup tells you no thanks to raw pumpkin. You should start with about one tablespoon for small dogs and up to a half cup for a giant breed dog. If your dog has eaten the stem of a pumpkin, you should take him./her to the dog hospital asap to prevent a fatal accident. Rabbits can eat pumpkin and its skin or rind in moderation. Purina says that raw pumpkin is a safe food for your dog to eat in small portions. After cooking the pumpkin and removing seeds, serve him/her the insides of a fresh roasted or pureed pumpkin. Is Papaya Good Or Bad For Dogs? If you don’t have any pumpkins available, check out these wonderful organic [easyazon_link identifier=”B0012KF79G” locale=”US” tag=”frtp-20″]pumpkin treats for dogs[/easyazon_link]. She enjoys educating pet parents on the latest research and emerging therapies in veterinary medicine. It’s a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The high source of fiber in pumpkin helps dogs pass a bowel movement easier. Dogs that have consumed a milk or dairy product prior to eating cucumber can also develop a tummy ache or stomach upset. For small dogs, that max amount might mean ½ teaspoon per day, while large dogs can safely eat 1-4 tablespoons daily. You do not have to worry about giving your dog a piece of pumpkin while cooking it. Dogs can eat pumpkin, but not all in all forms. Swallowing a stem may also cause an intestinal blockage that leads to death. But please don’t panic. The best way to eat it is to slice the pumpkin into cubes, but you can also eat raw canned pumpkin. For example, a delicious nibble or pork chop from the dinner table is unlikely to do any harm, as long as you are giving them the meat. You may also be wondering, “Can dogs eat raw pumpkin?” To be safe, stick with cooked or canned pumpkin, which is easier for dogs to break down and digest, says Dr. Dougherty. I gave her a little taste and she loved it! I was scooping some out tonight to make pumpkin seeds and she was going nuts from the smell. However, this way you may run the risk of the full dosage not being consumed. When giving your dog pumpkin, make sure you’re only offering them the flesh or seeds, instead of the skin, etc. Is it ok for my German Shepherd pup to eat raw pumpkin? Does pumpkin have health benefits for dogs? If trying to use pumpkin for diarrhea or constipation you could slowly increase the amount within reason until the desired effect is seen. Donna says: at . Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin seeds, but there are a few things that you should know! http://www.pet360.com/dog/nutrition/is-pumpkin-good-for-my-pet/Ob7HOgPkQk-5B5vwSVndSg, http://www.petmd.com/blogs/thedailyvet/pmahaney/2012/nov/health_benefits_of_pumpkin_for_pets-29465, http://www.dogchannel.com/dog-food/pumpkin-and-dogs.aspx, http://www.desu.edu/sites/default/files/Pumpkin%20Seeds-Worms_DJO.pdf, http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/vegetables-and-vegetable-products/2601/2, http://extension.illinois.edu/pumpkins/facts.cfm. It may be difficult for them to chew and digest raw if you do decide to give it … Most dogs love its slightly sweet taste, it’s wonderful for any digestive issues your dog may be experiencing, and, for dog’s watching their waist line, it’s helpful for weight loss as it’s “bulky”—it’s low cal yet makes your dog feel full! Raw pumpkin is very tough in texture and is much more difficult to digest than cooked pumpkin. Can Dogs Eat Tuna Fish? Dogs are the meat lovers since ages and can dogs eat raw meat is an important question for pet owners. Pumpkin with added preservatives, sugar, or other spices can be harmful to your dog, so do not feed flavored pumpkin to your dog ever. Let our authors & experts know what you think. So how much pumpkin should you add to your dog’s food? Eating a pumpkin may be a good way to offer human food to pets, but bear in mind that leaves and stems need to be removed first. For example, it’s best to avoid raw pumpkin, pumpkin skin and the stem, as they’re hard for your pup to digest. Can Dogs Eat Raw Pumpkin? Can Dogs Eat Papaya? 27 Responses Jaybay. Pumpkin seeds can also be fed to dogs without a concern for toxicity. Pumpkin is also full of fiber, which can help dogs feel fuller faster without necessarily taking in too many calories. Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin. Raw pumpkin has a hearty, rich flavor that makes it a good stand-alone snack or side dish. But it also includes a fair amount of sugar and calcium in it. For example, onions, garlic, grapes, and some artificial sweeteners are actually toxic to dogs. The pumpkin skin or rind is notably healthier. Cooked pumpkin for dogs is more easily digestible. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Is pumpkin good or bad for dogs? The answer is yes, BUT… If you give your dog fresh pumpkin, make sure he’s not eating the pumpkin that you carved yesterday or last week. Feeding raw butternut squash may not be suitable for your dog’s digestion which is why cooking the squash before serving to them is the best way to do it. Most dogs can handle a bit of raw pumpkin. It's actually good to give your dog/cat if they are constipated. Chop the cooked pumpkin into little cubes, throw them in a Ziplock bag and keep in the fridge or freezer as a little healthy treat for your dog. If you dog isn’t chowing down on the seeds as a whole, you can roast them, grind them down using a coffee grinder, and add them to your pet’s dog food. Pet parents should try to keep their dog away from whole pumpkins, which are popular decorative items during this time of year. Canned pumpkin is a puree that is easy to mix in with your pet’s food. You may also find pumpkin puree recipes especially designed for your dog and deemed safe. Grow your own pumpkin or buy a pumpkin from a trusted source, scoop out the mixture, remove the seeds, and puree. Yes, but there really is no point in giving it to them. Can Dogs Eat Raw Pumpkin? Collect seeds from your pumpkins before composting them, and let the seeds dry. But you may want to think twice about it. Also, if you know that your dog is suffering from chronic kidney disease or diabetes, you should first ask the veterinarian about whether you should feed him pumpkin. (Recipes for roasting pumpkin below.) Dehydration can make … Dogs need fibers in their diet and pumpkin will provide them with the necessary amount. Pumpkin is also rich in carotenoids for better skin and eye health and the anti-inflammatory vitamin E. Try making these healthy pumpkin dog treats that your pup will love. Your dog is offering you the puppy-dog eyes and whimpering, asking for a piece of this fall treat. Most people around the world love their pumpkins, and this is why we are cooking it so often. (If your dog or cat has diabetes or chronic kidney disease, always ask your vet first.) Make sure to keep your furry friend hydrated as well. Pumpkin or just added water will help with that issue. Also, if you know that your dog is suffering from chronic kidney disease or diabetes, you should first ask the veterinarian about whether you should feed him pumpkin. Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid called cucurbitin which works great as a means to get rid of worms in dogs. consumption, canned and cooked fresh pumpkin, along with pumpkin seeds, can be a healthy addition to their diet. It depends on their size. If your horse is one that does like pumpkin, then it’s perfectly OK to feed him some. Also, if your dog has problems with the stomach or suffers from indigestion, giving him a bit of pumpkin will make miracles? They’re especially attracted to its sweet, sugary flesh. Follow - 4. Additionally, it’s best that the pumpkin seeds are roasted and shelled. Make sure that the canned pumpkin does not contain any additives such as salt, sugar or spices. Only offer your pet the fleshy inside part of the pumpkin, and make sure that the pumpkin is fresh and not overly ripe or rotten. You should be a little cautious while giving your rabbit pumpkin for the first time. Most dogs like cooked pumpkin. Dogs are naturally drawn to pumpkin. A teaspoon of raw pumpkin per bunny weighing two pounds is enough, avoid cooked one. Today’s question: can dogs eat pumpkin? Pumpkin pie is high in fat and can upset your dog’s stomach or potentially even cause pancreatitis, a serious medical condition. Again, natural is best. Reply. Pumpkin contains a moderate amount of vitamin c in it. Your dog’s tummy will feel full because of the extra fiber content and he will gladly thank you for the delicious new flavor. Antioxidants help boost the immune system of your dog while also maintaining the health of your dog’s skin and coat. This food is loaded with vitamin A, potassium, iron, beta-carotene, and iron, all of which form an incredibly healthy combination that will impact your canine friend’s health in a positive way. Don’t let your dog to ingest them. Types of Pumpkin Dogs Can Eat: There are certain types of pumpkin that all dogs should stay away from completely. No, dogs should not eat raw pumpkin, and there are a few reasons for this. Most dogs are quite food-oriented and love to be given some "people food" from time to time. It’s okay to give your dog a little bit of cooked fresh or canned pumpkin every day. The concern with pumpkin seeds, however, is that they do contain a lot of calories per serving. When buying canned pumpkin from the grocery store, make sure the label states the can contains 100% of pumpkin puree and not pumpkin pie mix. So, can dogs eat asparagus? Fatty acids are an easy way in which you may improve the look and feel of the skin of your dog and prevent any itchy rashes or outbreaks. Cooked pumpkin for dogs is more easily digestible. Pure pumpkin that does not contain any additives is high in vitamins A and C, contains fiber and is low in calories. Scroll down to find out. Answer Question. Canned pumpkin can be combined with coconut milk and spices to make a creamy curry base. I've gotten canned pumpkin (make sure it's not pie filling and just regular pureed pumpkin with no additional seasoning) from the store and she's had no problems. So in general, unless fed as very occasional treats in very small quantities, pumpkin seeds should not be fed to dogs. However, it's not particularly tasty in its raw form. Eating a raw, whole pumpkin is not recommended because it’s difficult to digest and the leaves and stem may have prickly hairs that can harm your pup. Use up all your excess summer squash from the garden by steaming it up for your dog, or cut up and bake this year’s jack-o-lantern after Halloween for your dog to eat. It can occur when a dog eats the muscles of an animals that has been infected with trichinella parasites. When offering fresh pumpkin it is recommended to cook it first. If your dog doesn’t like them raw, try drying and roasting the pumpkin seeds first. Besides being very palatable to dogs, they are also packed with health benefits, are high in fiber, and can promote digestive and urinary health for dogs as well as offer a host of other health benefits. Cooking the pumpkin will soften the mixture to ensure smooth swallowing of the food. Pumpkin is a great food to add regularly into their diet, when approved by a vet. Dogs are just as apt to gaining weight and developing diabetes from over consumption of sugar, just as humans are. You may also puree your own pumpkin mixture rather than trust the canned pumpkin variety. If you are going to feed Fido fresh pumpkin, you can give it raw or cook it. You must watch your dog and work with him/her to determine the right amount of pumpkin and the right amount of fiber that s/he is able to tolerate. Pumpkin contains 90 % of water which is great since it adds moisture to your pet’s diet. Just 1 to 4 tablespoons of canned pumpkin helps with constipation. The sugar and high calorie content of pumpkin pie is also not healthy for your dog. Offering your dog too much pumpkin and having your dog ingest too much vitamin A might not seem problematic to you, but an excessive quantity of vitamin A is very toxic to dogs. This vegetable is high in vitamin A. Also, pumpkin pie usually contains dairy products and many dogs are lactose intolerant. Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin seeds, but there are a few things that you should know! Both raw and cooked pumpkin is safe for dogs. Sign up and make sure you are always on top of the most important info for you and your pets. We had a dog once that loved pumpkin insides more than bacon. Raw pumpkin is safe for your dog to eat so feel free to give them a few seeds or some pumpkin flesh while you're carving this year. A teaspoon of raw pumpkin per bunny weighing two pounds is enough, avoid cooked one. Raw pumpkin can be hard for dogs to digest and you should certainly never feed them carved pumpkin which has been sitting around for a while, as mould and bacteria could make your pup unwell. Click Show More! The best way to eat it is to slice the pumpkin into cubes, but you can also eat raw canned pumpkin. In fact, both the pulp and the seeds are safe for dogs to consume. Raw pumpkin can be hard for dogs to digest and you should certainly never feed them carved pumpkin which has been sitting around for a while, as mould and bacteria could make your pup unwell. The oils that can be found in there along with the seeds will be a great support for the urinary tract. DO NOT feed your dog canned pumpkin pie filling, as that will be much higher in calories and contain sugar and spices which can upset your pet’s stomach. Stems and leaves are not meant for consumption as the center of the pumpkin is. Raw pumpkin isn’t toxic, but it is difficult for your dog to digest if they were to eat a large amount. It depends on their size. So, you do not need to worry about your dog getting any bacteria in that area and having a urinary infection if you are constantly feeding him pumpkin in recommended doses. Pumpkin contains nearly 3 grams of fiber per one cup of serving. Surprisingly, pumpkin is one of those foods that is both great for humans and dogs. Canned or fresh pumpkin or pie filling with additives, fillers, spices, or sugar. Access our library of professional veterinarian resources. The short answer here is yes; dogs can eat cooked pork. Are pumpkin seeds safe for dogs? As we briefly mentioned, dogs can eat pumpkin seeds. Now that fall has arrived, everyone’s kitchen is filling up with this season’s star, the pumpkin. However, some dogs may tolerate and enjoy eating small amounts of raw pumpkin or pumpkin rind. This is simply because it’s impossible to know the ‘history’ of a particular pumpkin, how old it is, etc. To make sure that your dog is as healthy as possible, it is important to feed a complete and balanced diet containing the correct proportions of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. In fact, veterinarians will often recommend that pet parents add canned pumpkin to their dog’s food to help with diarrhea and constipation symptoms. They are prepared can includes lots of salt, spices, and frying techniques, all of which are bad for your dog’s health. In this way, it will help your dog to properly and smoothly digest the small bits of the vegetable which is also the best way to introduce more of this healthy squash into their digestion. byebye12. You probably won’t need to rush to an emergency vet. However, no studies have specifically looked at the benefits of using pumpkin to help treat diarrhea or constipation so these recommendations are purely anecdotal. The pumpkin itself has so many uses, as both a decoration and as a food. While they can eat both these parts of a pumpkin, it turns out the rind might be healthier. It is safe for dogs to eat pumpkin as long as it is fresh and cooked appropriately. As you can see, dogs can eat pumpkin and as usual, moderation is the key. Pumpkin Health Benefits for Pets, Inside and Out. These areas of the pumpkin are covered with sharp little hairs that may irritate your pooch. A constant bowel movement will maintain the health of the cells that are lining the gut. We had a dog once that loved pumpkin insides more than bacon. You can also sprinkle it on your dog’s food. The short answer is yes, but read below to discover how you can give your dog pumpkin safely. Pumpkin is actually a fruit, and not a vegetable. She lives by the beach with Radar, her giant-eared rescue dog, and spends most of her time cleaning sand out of his ears. While you might be used to cooking or baking with pumpkin, you might be surprised to find out you can also eat raw pumpkin. Because the pumpkin seeds are filled with antioxidants and fatty acids. This way you will make sure that his/her digestion will be regular. There is a slight risk of serving raw meat to dogs as there are bacteria found in raw meat. But before you start asking, “can I give my dog pumpkin every day?”. Furthermore, some lower calorie pumpkin pie recipes may call for xylitol, a sugar substitute that is very toxic to dogs, causing low blood sugar and liver issues. Can Dogs Eat Raw Pumpkin? These foods that are Moisture-deficient can have a dehydrating effect on the pet’s body. If choosing to offer pumpkin rind to a dog, the dog should be closely supervised to ensure she is only chewing on the rind and is not swallowing large chunks as this may lead to an intestinal blockage, a very serious condition. There are recipes online that may be easier for you to create and offer your dog. However, you can also feed pumpkin leaves to your rabbit as a valuable source of dietary fiber. The concern with pumpkin seeds, however, is that they do contain a lot of calories per serving. Using the pumpkin as food is a great addition to any diet, and is often eaten by both humans and animals. Join the fastest-growing email membership in pet care. Raw and undercooked pork is dangerous to dogs as they can potentially cause trichinosis, a condition that can result when the meat is infested with the larvae of a parasitic worm called Trichinella spiralis. Again, natural is best. Stems may also pose a choking hazard do their tough nature and inability to really chew and digest. Great Pet Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Yes, raw 100% pumpkin can be safe for dogs to eat . It’s a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. An excess of fiber in a dog’s diet can cause digestive distress … All the benefits mentioned earlier could be of great help to your canine friend! Pumpkin tastes great, smells good, and has a pleasant color and texture. As to the nutritional values, there is no need to worry. In the event your dog has eaten an old pumpkin, watch for symptoms of distress, and be mindful of potential complications. Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin seeds, but there are a few things that you should know! It's also very fibrous, and thick pieces can be difficult to bite through. For example, it’s best to avoid raw pumpkin, pumpkin skin and the stem, as they’re hard for your pup to digest. An easy way to prepare pumpkin seeds for de-worming purpose is by grinding up properly preserved or fresh pumpkin seeds into a powder. The infection is acquired by eating roundworm larvae in raw or undercooked meat.” The bottom line is this; raw pork rinds are not safe for your dog to eat, due to a risk of infection transmitted by uncooked pork meat. Molds or bacteria may have grown on these pumpkins, and that will cause illness in dogs. Hi Stefen. It’s okay to give your dog a little bit of cooked fresh or canned pumpkin every day. Yes, dogs, indeed, can eat raw pumpkin. Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds? Pumpkin Flesh It’s not just for pumpkin pie anymore. Reply. Pumpkin pie should not be fed to dogs. To the first part of this question, yes, you can eat raw pumpkin. However, if you are feeding your dog at home, too much pumpkin isn’t a good thing. While the fiber in pumpkin may not make a huge difference to your dog’s gastrointestinal health, the good news is that canned pumpkin in small quantities will not harm your pup and can be a tasty low-calorie treat. Many dogs also enjoy the taste of pumpkin. Raw pumpkin. Share some canned pumpkin with your dog, while benefiting their health. How to Eat Pumpkin Seeds. They require greater secretion of gastric acid and pancreatic enzymes to promote digestion. Simply add less kibble to his meals and mix it with some pumpkin. Whilst dogs can eat pork, the way rinds is not okay for dogs. Yes, absolutely – you can feed your dog seeds from the pumpkin with one caveat: it is highly recommended that you clean, peel, roasts, and then grind them up. In its raw form, pumpkin isn’t very digestible, so large quantities could lead to your dog experiencing some digestive discomfort, but only in the short-term. It makes the intestinal parasites and tapeworms paralyzed. Most dogs can handle a bit of raw pumpkin. When offering your dog pumpkin as a treat, make sure not to exaggerate with the amounts of pumpkin you are giving him/her. :) It won't hurt him, so long as the rind gets digested, but be prepared for LOTS of poop, as there is a ton of fiber in pumpkin. The smooth texture of the pumpkin is known to soothe indigestion and cool the discomfort of an inflamed stomach lining. First, make sure that the pumpkin seeds are unsalted. Additional fiber can help with your dog’s constipation or diarrhea. Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin? Pumpkin seeds are also safe for dogs to eat and provide a great nutritional value as they contain protein, iron, fiber, zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium and more. For both humans and canines, pumpkin seeds can help fight cancer, reduce inflammation, prevent heart disease, lower blood sugar levels and improve bladder health. Since all the nutrients will be converted into vitamin A, you can imagine that large quantities of pumpkin equal a great amount of vitamin A. Pumpkin is good for dogs, many vets recommend it. The recent studies have shown that pumpkin seeds, the ones we always throw away, are extremely beneficial to your dog’s health. While raw, cooked, or canned pumpkin is very low in calories, pumpkin seeds pack about 75 calories into a single tablespoon. Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin scented candles, and giant decorative pumpkins are everywhere. While raw pumpkin is not ideal for cat or dog (or human!) Every year it seems like the instant temperatures start to fall there is a pumpkin explosion in the United States. Pumpkin makes a great dog treat. Can Dogs Eat Roasted Pumpkin? :) It won't hurt him, so long as the rind gets digested, but be prepared for LOTS of poop, as there is a ton of fiber in pumpkin. To incorporate pumpkin into your dog’s diet, you may begin by adding one tablespoon or two (depending on the dog’s size) to his/her meals. This is the short answer. Pumpkin seeds can also be fed to dogs without a concern for toxicity. Fresh pumpkin, as well as canned pumpkin, are good sources of nutrients and fiber. Sign up for our newsletter to stay in-the-know. Never give your dogs cooked bones! Before giving your dog this treat, make sure you clean the pumpkin seeds. First, make sure that the pumpkin seeds are unsalted. Friend hydrated as well, so you do not have to worry about giving your 's! Ok to feed: fresh seeds can spoil and become toxic if they are left out for too can dogs eat raw pumpkin rind research. Along with pumpkin seeds, but not all in all forms subscribe here http. Signs of fall could cause some irritation also find pumpkin puree to rabbit! Dog suffering lovers since ages and can upset your dog, while benefiting their health can see, can! 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